Migraine Headache
Migraine sometime cure by treatment of Migraine. This way use of some supplement that usually made from herbal medicine formula. The supplement is not a substitute for, the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgments of healthcare practitioners.
Migraine Symptom and Stages:
- Pedrome symptoms may occur days before actual pain hits. Roughly half of all sufferers experience this stage, which is characterized by symptoms of light and sound sensitivity, depression, instability and lack of appetite.
- Auras usually occur up to one hour prior to the headache. Twenty percent of migraine sufferers experience migraine aura, a phase characterized by changes in visual perception. Symptoms of aura include seeing flashing lights, geometric pattern that obscure vision or even the temporary loss of half of the visual range.
- Headache pain can be moderate to severe, lasting up to three days. Migraine pain may start on one or both sides of the head. Other symptoms may include intolerance of light and noise, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to movement and speech difficulties.
- Symptoms can last several days after the headache, and have been described as a “migraine hangover.” Most migraine sufferers may be irritable and fatigued. They may have difficulty concentrating and experience mood changes. The scalp may also be very trendier.
Labels: brain disease