Monday, August 29, 2011

Brain Imagination Work

Visual and imagination of our brain sometime difficult to differ this because of how our brain work. Visualization is a previous impression, impressed on your brain or mind. It is receiving, detecting mechanism. In order to perceive it with the left brain hemisphere, it must exist. Whether somebody created something, or it is the sense of sight, then you make an impression on your brain.

The sense of sight works like a camera, it makes a negative and impresses it on your brain, your left brain and a duplicate it transferred to the right brain. Visualization is the receiver, imagination is the transmitter. You can also visualize with your right hemisphere, but in this case you can visualize what has been impressed on somebody else's brain.

When you try to know of other incident, you get information just from the phone, you get the information, then you sent to your right brain, then the right brain functions on a different band, like f.m. does not a.m. and you are tuning into his brain and getting information from his brain and transferring it to happened to him has been recorded on his brain already. Now usually, all of this becomes a lot easier if the intention is to help the individual to solve the problem.

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